Welcome to the Trimble Railway download area. This site enables the download of all information related to GEDO products.
Public marketing material for Trimble Track Survey & Scanning products can be reached in our download section without any additional requirements.
Software installation and additional details are available for GEDO users and GEDO distribution partners. Please register here to create an individual account. Your registration will be verified first before you can continue.
Service Request
Request to arrange maintenance, inspection, repair, calibration and recertification for GEDO equipment (e.g. Trolley, IMU, Profiler) at Trimble Railway Service workshop. (Request in German/
Service-Anfrage in Deutsch)
My Account
Log in with your account if you are already registered at the download area to access all downloads. Each time you log in a verification code will be sent to your email.
For details about the products and applications please check our homepage https://gedo.trimble.com/
Feel free to contact us in case of any questions.